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£6.00 GBP
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Encapsulating the essence of the Hotboss flavour, this vegan hot sauce is an authentic South Indian blend of garamasla spices which adds gentle heat and bags of flavour.

Original odyssey of flavours with a gentle kick, not a punch.

If your palate is unaccustomed to the fiery embrace of capsaicin, Hotboss Original is your gateway into this thrilling world.

It’s a delicate balance, offering a warming glow without overshadowing the natural aromas and spices.

Original Recipe Ideas

A tablespoon or two into your rice, cous cous or dough can truly transform the simplest dishes into a gourmet delight.

Or better still have a try at some of the below

Original Cheese & Onion Rolls

Original Masala Dosai

Original Spatchcock Chicken

Go to Recipes to find out more.

HOTBOSS Original HOTBOSS Original HOTBOSS Original HOTBOSS Original HOTBOSS Original





